We are working hard to get the webshop online. In the mean time you can order our essential oils & perfumes via Whatsapp or Email. Send
us a message on + 573126802662 or mail us at familiacasacolibri@gmail.com
> Discount promotion: Buy 4 get 5 deal on all oils and perfumes !
Shipping costs: € 6,50 / Free shipping on orders over € 75,00
> New in store !
heartopening, warming
From the cacao here in the mountains, planted and harvested with love, we find the alchemic process to keep the sweetness and medicinal work of this sacred
plant in the essencial oil. Cacao supports healing the heart and opens with soft strength. The cacao is warming and gives and euforic feeling.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
motivating and energizing
Mirra wood is a sacred wood that grows in the Sierra Nevada Santa Marta in Colombia. it supports your way by awakening your inner drive and motivation from your core centre. You will find the way
to move from your heart, spirit and connection with the mother earth. She gives a deep trust and certainty to acumplish your mission. You see your arrow clear. It helps to make tranformation go
more easy and flowing with less extremes.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
routed, grounded
Tobacco in the line of the spiritual use, is the oldest plant. (Grand)father tobacco. He opened the path of all the other medicinal plants and is used for thousands of years. For that we know that tobacco help you root, ground and protect yourself. To focus and vocalise the energy and empowers your energy. The smell of the honey of the plant is one of the most attractive ones in the Chakruna line of oils and perfumes because it's so sweet and at the same time earthy.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
Maracuya / Passionfruit
spontaneity, expansion
The maracuya plant shows us one of the most exotic flowers and fruits in the world. No other smell/ look of the flower and taste of this fruit will be found similar. It's such a honour and pleasure to work with this plant spirit.
The leaves, flowers, peels and stems are all used as medicines in different ways. How we discovered to use the oil of her flowers.. she touches all your sences.. in a playfull way she invite you
to be spontanious and happy self. The exotic aphrodesiac that awakens all your life energy, that makes it possible to explore life and expand in many ways. New creations are started to come.
Sweet but strong she will show her medicine to you.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
sweetness, heartchakra
When you walk in the night and your senses are being awakened by the most mystical, sweet and delicious smell.. the jasmin flower is spreading her magic. She is associated with love, she
opens for heartchakra, heals and sweetens all in this area. Connects you... unifying. Purity. The word Jasmine comes from the Persian word 'yasmin' and means 'gift of god'. She invokes
passion and sensuality to enjoy life and her beauty in all aspects. At the same time she is calming and balancing. You can even use her for decorate your salads and also enjoy her flavor. The
bees, butterflies and colibris are mesmerized by her honey and spreading her pollen. It's such a blessing to work with the jasmin and expanding/ spreading her magic in the perfume of
'sweetness' and pure essential oil of jasmin
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
7 Flowers
balancing out the chakras, relaxation
7 flowers is a sacred plant that is used to make magical potions. She makes you highly connected and grounded at the same time so you can create heaven on earth. It connects the chakras, and
helps you to attract and manifest abundance in all levels in your life. And invites to enjoy and flow through your life in all rites of passage.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
> New in store !
spiritual expansion, wisdom
Bees are significant symbols of wisdom, fertility and the sacred feminine. The geometric design of their honey combs reflects the fabric of the
universe. Only the female bees build hives and make honey, and they communicate with each other via dance-language. In this time in the earth, we are all balancing the masculine and feminine inside of us. The plants that grow in our gardens can Guide us in many ways. We are nature and are
returning to this origin and wisdom. To fully embrace, love and nurture our feminine in all her Sacredness Beauty and cycles, these oils are
in humble service to support these processes. Enjoying and loving every day more our being and body.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
soothing, compassionate, heart opening
This pure flower, (re)connects us with the divinity. Unity. Pure unconditional love. So clearly.. she works with our heart chakra. From an esotheric perspective, the rose is considered a symbol
of balance. She expresses new beginnings, re births and hope. She supports you in healing the relationship and feel this timeless love for yourself, and from this heartspace with the
relationships around you. Her smell is so beautiful and warming.. we see this oil has a really strong effect children. They run to specificly the rose in our shop and when crying the oil is
applied.. it nurtures, comforts and calms them down in a second in sweetness. So also for all our inner childs.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
Meditation, prayer and balance
This flower is a sacred flower in many cultures and also known as 'frangipani'. Her fragrant is most 'active' when the sun was going down and the moon is rising. She is connected with the balance
between light and dark and is a remedy for equillibrium sleep and dreamtime. She protects and wakes over you so the dark dreams don't come in and the beautiful dreams will. She guides you in
meditation, rest and prayer. Thats why she is planted a lot around sacred temples around the world to travel safely and sweetly from the seen to the unseen worlds and back. Because of the high
scent of fragance, she attracts many bees and butterflies.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
Red Sandalwood
Red sandalwood is another sacred wood that support in depressive times to find more motivation and inner drive to find a way out. The sweet wood smell bring the opportunity to go out of the
depressive rhytms. And takes you out of negative thinking and feeling. It inspires to continue and confront the obstacles that sometimes bring you bitterness in life. Also it support you to break
through and grow/ expand again. Red sandalwood and sandalwood are used since ancient times through ancient tribes in different parts of the world. The specific wood we use comes from the Sierra
Nevada in Colombia. It is a sacred mountain area in the north where many indigenous live like the Kogi, arhuaco and wiwa tribe. The mountains climbs up from 0 to 6500 meters so you can find all
climats here.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
solar plexus, regulates emotions, fertility
Always, this big beautiful flower is looking towards the sun, absorbing the warmth and shining towards the world around her. Sunflowers are often associated with loyalty, honesty, protection and goodluck.
In folk tales, many mystical storys are told and magic spells are shared. In england they say, if you want to know the truth about something, sleep with a sunflower under your pillow - and the
next day, before the sun goes down, the truth should be revealed to you. The fairy folk will guide you. The sunflower is considered a flower of loyalty because day after day, it follows the sun,
from east to west.
Investment: € 33,00 / Size: 5 ml
Effects: It helps to introduce you in a state of meditation and to balance the seven chakras.
Ingredients: 7 Basils, Sacred Wood, Diamond water & Indigenous natural distillation
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: Attracts new possibilities for modifying the current presence and for transforming certain emotions and mental status.
Ingredients: Mirra wood, quéreme (like me) plant, diamond water & indigenous natural distillation.
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: It helps to harmonize relations and to reconnect with your internal self. It strengthens the connection with the earth and the origin.
Ingredients: Tobacco, Mandrágora, Chondul, Diamond water, Indigenous natural distillation
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: Generates moments of happiness and activates energy and positive mental status.
Ingredients: Red sandalwood, Chondul, Diamond water, Indigenous natural distillation.
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: Serves to boost energy, to increase the intuition and expand the chakra of the third eye. It activates the efficient functioning of the neurons.
Ingredients: Sacred wood, Mandrágora, Coguindo, Chondul, Diamond Water, Indigenous natural distillation.
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: It calls the energy of love and sweetens relations and emotions. It heals depression.
Ingredients: Sígueme, Chondul, Black Daffodil, Jasmine, Tobacco, Diamond water, Indigenou. natural distillation.
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: Calls the divine heavenly energys to create manifest heaven on earth.
Ingredients: 7 flowers, jasmin, Diamond water & Indigenous natural distillation
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Effects: It cleans and purifies auras and living spaces.
Ingredients: Black Rue, Castel Rue, Yellow Rue, Coguindo, Diamond water, Indigenous natural distillation.
Investment: € 25,00 / Size: 33 ml
Chakruna Essencial oils
~ 100% natural Organic and Handmade ~
One of our main focus is the work with medicinal plants. We process them to be able to support others in different processes in life. In the form of essencial oils.
They are a natural concentrate extraction from the plants, they need to go under the earth to absorb the energy of the moon. When the moon makes the influence with the gravity. And also the earth will heat for a slow and constant process. These plants are from the mountains in Colombia and other plants come directly from Amazonia and Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, one of the seven wonder of the world.
The essential oils of chakruna are processed in different ways. With alambice destillation, cold and hot destillation. They are 100% pure oil of the plant or wood.
Use: One drop of the oil is sufficient to spread the beautiful essence, adviced top put the drop on the wrists but fully free to be guided by your intuición. On the solar plexus, the forehead, in the hair or barb for the men.
The oils are really concentrated. You need only one drop. And can put It in the bath, showerwater, in the hair, or mix with another neutral oil to have body oil or massage oil. Or in the vaporizer for oils.
And by the way... The roll on oil lasts more or less a year by dayly use.
Chakruna energetic spray
~ 100% natural Organic and Handmade ~
These energetic parfums/ aura sprays are a natural concentrate extraction from the plants, they need to go under the earth to absorb the energy of the moon. When the moon makes the influence with the gravity. And also the earth will heat for a slow and constant process. These plants are from the mountains in Colombia and other plants come directly from Amazonia and Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, one of the seven wonder of the world. The fusion between the plants, the woods and the roots make a special chemical connection that make the influence in the energetic aura to modify different types of process that we have in life.
This knowledge comes from the heart of the jungle in the first steps that the indigenous people where doing to make concentrate energy showers with plants. And also come from different types of traditions of Cofan, Kemtza and Emberas tribe that usually they use for emotional diseases and some of physical diseases for the head.
The alcohol that is used is a natural indigenous distillation. They come from fruits and sweet plants that make really high percentage of alcohol when fermented.
Use: Splash twice into the palm of the hand. Rub to activate the alchemy and inhale profoundly. Then distribute with the hands over head and
neck. Splash around (ceremonial) places, alters, houses and sacred environments.
Elaboration: The leafs, roots, wood and flowers are ground in stone and put into glass bottles in the earth during the entire cycle of four
full moons. And activated by the influence from the plants and icaros (medicinal songs).
Indigenous Art
The Colibri Shop spreads beautiful indigenous art! Full of knowledge and prayers. This comes in the form of mochillas (indigenous bags), colorful jewelry made by the indigenous women and many
more. With these creations they support and boost your life in a variety of ways and with the economy they generate, they support their families.
Sacred Economy
Sacred economy is essential for the new earth. All in balance, all growing and supporting your life and mission. The 20℅ profit we gain from the products will go directly to the support of the indigenous tribes of the Sierra Nevada and the protection of the water resources. Another part of the profit will go to the expansion and support of the Sacred Native Bees.