Welcome to our family project Casa Colibri. On this website we take you on a little tour and guide you through our manifesting vision, a way of harmonious and balanced living in co-creation with each other and nature. For us this represents help building the new humanity by planting seeds in human consciousness.
If you feel inspired and you want to co-create or support us in whatever way, please contact us
Remembering we are nature. Remembering our origin(al design). Pure nature, a territory full of flowers and fresh water springs.
The main focus of our project is to live in harmony with nature, to create a magical paradise for all and support the hummingbirds, butterflies and bees. Other pillars are; natural building with bamboo and earth, recycling, permaculture and apiculture (natural beekeeping). We are walking on a a unique path, implementing ancestral knowledge and techniques from different tribes, working with plant medicines, healing perfumes and essential oils. All medicines that we need grow around us,
we just have to listen and remember how to use them.
Chakruna Shop
Check out our indigenous handmade products and essential oils
Co-creation & WWOOF
Visit our little paradise as
co-creator or come and volunteer
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